Echo @ Novel Park
Taylor Morrison
Anderson Residence
Irvine, CA
The Anderson Residence
Housing three generations, the Anderson residence, is an understated rancho; which was designed in reflection of the dwellers humble roots in Mexico. Ground hugging forms step down with the topography and merge with the natural landscape. Sprawling, single story wings conform to the shape of the lot, maximizing the unique views.
Designed to take advantage of passive solar techniques, the house features thickened adobe walls, deep overhangs and covered loggia to take advantage of the climate and create gathering spaces as the sunlight changes throughout the day. Low plate height and a minimal upper floor create an unassuming building scale. The design of this home centers on structure, form, quality and livability.
Photographs by Monarch

Sprawling Spanish style home with all the amenities you need for a California lifestyle.

Outdoor staircase

View from rear of Home

Large pool area and pool house.

Large outdoor area with pool.

Cozy nook with beamed ceilings.

View from upstairs over looking tiled roof and wrought iron accents.

Wine storage and tasting room.